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2024 MCA Spring Meeting and Banquet

Okay all you procrastinators!  Time is about up!!  The 2024 MCA Annual Spring Meeting is coming right up.

You only have a few days, until February 6th to get your hotel guest room booked at the MCA negotiated rate.  Better get on that right away!

And, you have only 10 days left to get your reservations in the mail to me for the Saturday evening Banquet.

SO...  Stop what you are doing, grab your copy of the January/February issue of the Massey Clipper for the hotel contact information and Banquet Reservation form, and Git 'er Done!!!

This has been a public service announcement.


RE:2024 MCA Spring Meeting and Banquet

Thanks John

RE:2024 MCA Spring Meeting and Banquet

If you have not reserved your room yet, today is February 6th! you still have 3 hours left! Get on it!

RE:2024 MCA Spring Meeting and Banquet

Anyone wanting a vendor table at the Spring meeting for display items or for items for sale, let me know. I still have some room.
Wayne Saak
641-521-0215 cell