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MF Planter Info Requested

I have been contacted by a future MCA member living in Pennsylvania who is attempting to learn more about the MF Planter he recently purchased.  He is looking for the model number, and any information on where he might find parts.

He also recently purchased a TO-35 tractor, and is very eager to learn more about these things.  I am sending him information for joining MCA and Friends of Massey. 

Please take a look at the photos he sent me of the planter, and reply with any information you are able to provide.



RE:MF Planter Info Requested

John - you might also like to refer him to FENA - Ferguson Enthusiasts of North America.  They are a very knowledgeable crowd and exhibit at shows

RE:MF Planter Info Requested

Looks to be a MF #39 3Point shoe planter. There should be a tag on it somewhere near the hitch. They are pretty much an updated version of the older Massey Harris planter. Don't know too much about them but I believe Tina Van't Sant has one she went through several years back and probebly knows more than most about them.