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I did it again...

Well, another one I've always wanted followed me home yesterday.......and those of you who are on Facebook probably have seen it already, but for those who haven't yet, here she is.....more pics to come after this cold snap is over.

RE:I did it again...


Looks like a really nice original, and a nice addition to your collection. Now you need the front wheel assist one to go next to it in the shed. From what I seen the last one sell for though you may need to get a couple more jobs to afford one like that.

RE:I did it again...

Dakota maybe John Bush can help fill Joe's thought for you. The tractor look's good! Funny I have that same thing keeps happening they just follow me home too, that's the story I tell the wife Randy

RE:I did it again...

Thanks Joe, ah yes an FWA is on the list too....but yeah I'm a little light in the pocketbook for one those right now, haha. 

Hope to see ya at the spring meeting


RE:I did it again...

Thanks Randy

Haha, as I always say, it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Hope to see you too at the meeting in March