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RE:Massey signs

The UK Ferguson Club put on another very successful award winning stand at the end of season Indoor Newark Tractor Show, here is their banners and signs together wit the famous AGCO Diamond Celebration Banner.


RE:Massey signs

Malcolm,  As soon as I saw the signs that were going to be  offered at Mecum's Davenport Auction I became pretty giddy.  The Plow Works sign caught my eyes the most.  I realized it would fetch a pretty large coin, so I had to come the realization that yes, more remodeling in the House was probably going to have to be negotiated with Konnie, for ownership.  Before the auction, I inspected all signs of interest, and a figure is written down.  I am unable to be at the auction due to work, so I set up bidding by phone.  The first call came,  pleasantries exchanged and now time for Battle.  Well,  the battle was very brief.  One bid, just to make myself feel the time was worth the effort. Wow,  All but one sign of interest began above my limit.  The Wiard Plow signs really surprise me.  I am not aware of collectors of Wiard here but then again, collectors everywhere are drawn to quality. I have heard a large Collector from New York has been selling many of these very nice quality signs.  Maybe some day my ship will come in, but for now, we are wary of the reef.  Happy Trails  Tim Pace

RE:Massey signs

Thank you for your input with a little more personal detail on the auction, sorry you did not add the Plow Works sign to your collection, a real gem in my view.

I continue to be amazed at the amount of interest and prices realised for signs of any make in North American auctions, it does not matter which make or Company they are representing, often now they make far higher prices than a running tractor from the same manufacturer would bring. I can only think there are far more buyers for "advertising material" in general than just "agricultural related collectors".

Keep on looking.


RE:Massey signs

Visiting the "Home of Massey", Newcastle, Ontario on my recent North American trip, I noticed the sign near to the old Massey Manufacturing factory has had a refurbishment, this sign has been in the same place since first visiting in 1986 and was well weathered, good to see the local authorities taking care of local history.

Also some additions of banners around the town of "Notable People of Newcastle", great to see Daniel Massey up there with them all.



RE:Massey signs

Yesterday Sullivan Auctioneers, at Hamilton IL sold several signs of different companies, different themes and different qualities.  One of note was a  Massey Harris Sales Service Yellow Porcelain Sign probably from the thirties, very bright in color with rusting around mounting holes and two porcelain pops. I rated this sign at a 8.8 to 9.0.  One anyone would be proud to own. I have one lesser in condition but i was up for an upgrade.  A friend who works for the Auction Company placed my maximum bid in his name to remove any fees. A sneaky way to add to my top bid.  The bid was placed two days before the auction.  The night before I checked the amount and saw I was at my maximum.  After the auction I again checked that the Sign brought $ 3100.00 on site.  second highest sign priced.Darn I have good taste, but no sign.  I wonder when  this crazinest is going to peak.  All the other hot collectables such as pedal tractors, cast iron seats, and the like did a major correction and never came back to their glory days.  We will some day see.  Happy Trails  Tim

RE:Massey signs

Here is another version of a French M-H tin sign which has found it's way recently to my collection.

I also notice the recent Mecum Fall auction at Davenport had some real quality M-H signs consigned, the prices were very strong and confirms quality always sells well.




RE:Massey signs

Well Joe I have been thinking of your comments of almost five years ago in this "sign thread"

You said:- "Someday you will have a chance of putting it into your collection"

This day has finally come around and this local M-F dealer sign which I closely missed in a Lincoln antiques shop and snapped up by a fellow collector in 2014.
 It was offered to me a few months ago and collected at the recent Newark end of season show.

So now it's up on display complementing the M-F triangular sign.

Your right Joe, patience wins the day.

