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MH 33D serial numbers

I have a MH33D and the serial number itself does not really lend itself to all the info i have seen online.  My serial number is 12429P, as its a 5 didget number it deosnt really fit into all the other information i have seen.  Can anyone help me sort out what year this might be?  Thanks! 

RE:MH 33D serial numbers

Hi Johnnymac1,

According to Keiths data book it looks like your tractor is a 1955 very close to the end of production.  I believe the "P" is for the type of diesel pump used on your tractor.

RE:MH 33D serial numbers

Joe is correct.  The "P" means it was equipped with the Bosch PSB fuel injection pump.

Mine is an earlier one.  Serial Number
 D1RF 9306P