My father was a Massey man along with his brother and our next door neighbor. We had a great dealer that took good care of all his customers. We had a 44 RC, 30 RC, #26 3-bottom plow, 2-row cultivators for both tractors, 2-row mounted corn planter, #6 mower plus a New Idea 2 corn picker and New Idea manure spreader, an AC pull type combine and a Cobey flat bed wagon!
I can vividly remember being in my second year of college whan my dad asked if I ever thought I would come back to the farm (a whole 80 acre operation) I had watched my him struggle to keep things going plus he was working full time at Pioneer Seed in our local town. It was very easy for me to say "no". Six weeks later eveything was sold, Mom & Dad moved to town and the rest is history. I have no idea where the Massey items went. Unfortunately hind-sight is 20/20 and I kick myself everytime I think about that short definitive question and dumb answer!
Since then I have replaced just about everything we had. I have not collected the the cultivators only because I greatly disliked doing it as a kid and I know I would not like doing it again! I was the lucky one to mount them and take them off. With that said, you can see why I don't need two sets of cultivators!!
The one piece that was my dad's is the Cobey Wagon. This wagon was made in Galion, Ohio not far from our dear friends Mary Jo Oberlander and her wonderful late husband Chuck! It was in a consignment auction near my home town and I asked my sister to go look at the wagon. If it had a small dent on it's left side and the tongue had a bend in it to the left, she was to buy it! She did! Then she asked about those two Items. I shared that I created both of those scares on the wagon. I have used it for hay several years then restored to a parade wagon and it is used at various events all summer long! It is not Massey but you wouldn't know the difference!
I will better pics of the wagon and other "look alikes" later!.