Here is a very recent picture I got from Bob, this is a much earlier picture of the Massey Harris sign that was in the post with the tractors. The other picture with the tractors had snow on the ground so it was in the fall time. This picture must have been taken when the Massey Harris sign was first put up possibly in the spring time, It was dated March 5th 1927. The most interesting thing I noticed about this picture is they must have torn down a building or were leveling some land or filling in a hole when this picture was taken. I noticed the rip rap rock on the ground and pieces of wood and debri but the thing that cought my eye was the gas engine burried right in the middle under the Massey sign. When I was growing up my Dad was notorious for this kind of thing. He burried anyting he could find so he diddn't have to pay for fill being brought in. I really like the Massey furrow lift plow the boys are looking at under the sign.